Smart Kids Center

As per new National Education Policy (NEP 2020) software skills for Standard 5th to 12th students are made mandatory. Software skills are necessary for development of logical thinking, reasoning, coding for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.Future generation is going to face era of AI Robotics for which students should be prepared right from the school levels.We have prepared syllabus from Industry experts considering STEM criteria for such skill development

Skills are divided from basic to advanced level as follow

  • Visual Coding
  • Robotics
  • IOT
  • AI/ML
  • Mobile App development

Each module is approximately of 16 hrs duration but can vary little

  • Visual Coding: No codes only blocks.

    Block coding, writing logic, testing condition, events, operators, control action, sensing values, looks, visualization, movement, sound effect

  • Robotics

    Arduino Controller, hardware & software basics, motors & sensors, simple robot, wireless controlled robot, BLE control, Automatic robot, Path follower robot, obstacle avoiding robot.

  • IOT

    Sensors actuators, LED, LDR, Temperature humidity sensor, PIR Sensing controlling devices such as Light, Fan, Motors, messaging Alarm conditions, monitoring sensor values on local remote dash Board using free cloud services.

  • AI/ML

    Image classification, gesture recognition, decision prediction, speech to text text to speech, voice classification, NLP

  • Mobile App

    Developing mobile app for the simple projects done so far App for message, app for light control, app for text messaging, app for Reading messages, app for movement control, app for generating Sound

    Note: Everyone has to complete first module 1 and module 5 can be completed only after completing all 4 modules.
  • +91-9822670791 / +91-9423891157